Sunday, March 18, 2007

Pusat Sumber Sekolah

Membaca dengan berkesan
Membaca adalah satu proses yang sangat penting untuk mendapat ilmu dan maklumat. Kebanyakan pelajar mempunyai tabiat belajar yang buruk. Akibatnya mereka menghadapi masalah seperti cepat bosan, jemu, kurang minat, mengantuk dan sebagainya. Lama-kelamaan jika diteruskan juga akan membuatkan pelajar rasa malas untuk membaca. Kesedaran tentang betapa pentingnya ilmu dalam kehidupan perlu ditanam dalam diri pelajar. Dengan ilmu manusia disanjung, dikagumi dan dihormati. Kejayaan dan kecemerlangan hidup tidak mungkin tercapai tanpa ilmu.


How to manage time?

Do you manage time...or does time manage you? For many of us, it seems as if we are bouncing from one crisis to another. How can we get ahead when we can't even keep up? There are some things that each of us can do to help ourselves manage our time more effectively.
Effective time management is a conscious decision where we decide what is important and then plan our time and our lives around these things. The key is to use proactive thinking. Don't wait and let time make its demands on you; instead, put yourself in the driver's seat and decide what you will do with your time. What are my values and my goals? Where do I want to end up? What is truly important to me? What actions do I need to take to make things happen?

"No one has enough time, but everyone has all there is." -- Anonymous


A New Start
A New Beginning
A New Chapter
A New year
Forget the Bad
Cherish the Good
I Sincerely Wish u a very blessedNew year ahead.